Τετάρτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

"DEVELOPING YOUR OWN SCRIPT" - Ένας καλλιτεχνικός διάλογος με τον Charon Kransen.

25 October 2014 - 27 October 2014 
10.00' - 16.00' @ Popeye Loves Olive - Art Space


Charon Kransen’s master class “developing your own script” is based on the concept of encouraging jewelry artists to work from their unique talent instead of relying on the more common route of commercial work that is often dictated by main-stream demand/taste. This involves insight in the often psychological and emotional barriers we consciously or unconsciously have put up within ourselves.

His premise is that most artists are ill prepared in matters relating to professional life in their relationship with galleries, dealers and clients. The seminar focuses on issues of: identity, recognition, success, clients, collectors,” the market”, ethics, presentation and galleries.

To that end, he directs discussion around central themes of dealing with how galleries work, what their motives are, how they select work, how they develop a vision, and how the artΕs develops contacts with the gallery, with the client and with the dealer.
It also touches on the difficult issue and the criteria as to how to select a gallery to work
Other topics include:

How to have a good relationship with this population and discuss issues freely?
How to solve problems as they arise and learn how to deal with them and/or avoid them?
How to develop skills to have a more satisfying, creative and rewarding (also financial) professional life?
How to focus attention on questions such as “where would I like to be in the field”.
How to be part of an international marketplace.

The 3- day seminar has received critical acclaim for its inspiring and empowering discussions and career development.

Niki Stylianou:  +30 6944727695
Erato Kouloubi: +30 6944871569

About Charon Kransen
Charon Kransen ( b. Holland 1950,  resides in New York City) has worked in the field of contemporary jewelry since 1969. He received his training at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts Jerusalem Israel, Fachhochschule fuer Gestaltung Pforzheim Germany and at Juhls Kautokeino Norway.

Professor of Jewelry (and Enamel) Design at the University of  Utrecht Holland; Head of jewelry and enamel department at the Art College Amersfoort Holland;  President of the VES ( Dutch Jewelry Designers Organization) and lecturer at universities, colleges and art organizations internationally.

Curator, art-dealer and agent for over 150 international contemporary jewelers (mostly non-Americans) in North-America at various galleries and art fairs such as the Chicago Art Fair SOFA, New York Art Fair SOFA, International Art + Design Fair in New York,  Art Palm Beach Palm Beach, Miami International Art Fair Miami, and SOFA West Art Fair Santa Fe, Art Basel Miami at Red Dot Miami, AD20/21 Boston Art Fair

He also distributes books and catalogs in the field of jewelry/metal/design and his array of international titles are considered the most comprehensive in contemporary jewelry.
He has been the official bookseller of the SNAG ( Society of North American Goldsmiths ) for the past 25 years.

He has juried Talente and Schmuckszene in Munich for many years.
For the past 20 years he has lectured on contemporary jewelry and gives master-classes to students and professionals in the USA, Europe, Australia, Asia and South America

Charon Kransen Arts
817 West End Avenue, suite 11C,  New York NY 10025
Phone: 212 627 5073  Fax: 212 663 9026
E-mail: charon@charonkransenarts.com


Το Σεμινάριο που θα μας παρουσιάσει ο Charon Kransen, «Γράψε το Δικό σου Σενάριο», απευθύνεται σε καλλιτέχνες που θέλουν να ξεπεράσουν τα στενά πλαίσια των αισθητικών προτύπων που επιβάλλει ο μαζικός χαρακτήρας της εμπορικής παραγωγής και να δημιουργήσουν, βασιζόμενοι στο προσωπικό τους ταλέντο και τις ιδιαιτερότητες τους.

Κατά τη διάρκεια του τριημέρου, θα συζητήσουμε πρακτικά θέματα που αφορούν στην
- ταυτότητα του καλλιτέχνη
- την αναγνωρισιμότητα
- τις δυνατότητες επαγγελματικής εξέλιξης
- τη συνεργασία με ιδιωτικούς πελάτες, συλλέκτες, γκαλερί, αγορές
- καθώς και τη δημιουργία portfolio
Ταυτόχρονα, αρκετός χρόνος θα είναι αφιερωμένος στην βαθύτερη εξερεύνηση του εσωτερικού δυναμικού των καλλιτεχνών. Μέσω συζήτησης και ασκήσεων θα προσδιορίσουμε  τα μεγάλα εμπόδια, συναισθηματικά κι ψυχολογικά, που οι ίδιοι βάζουμε στους εαυτούς μας, μπλοκάροντας την δημιουργική δύναμη μέσα μας και θα μάθουμε μηχανισμούς που θα μας βοηθήσουν να ξεκλειδώσουμε την δύναμη αυτή, ώστε να λειτουργούμε στο μέγιστο των δυνατοτήτων μας.

Πληροφορίες+κόστος συμμετοχής:
Niki Stylianou:  +30 6944727695
Erato Kouloubi: +30 6944871569